Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 5th Edition

ediatric and Adolescent Gynecologyby Marc R. Laufer (Editor), Donald P. Goldstein (Editor) S. Jean Emans (Editor) (Author)

This unique 2-in-1 reference presents vital information on pathophysiology in two helpful ways on every page. The wide inner column contains detailed narrative text; the narrow outer column contains brief bulleted summaries of the same information. This format enables nurses to quickly scan the bulleted points and jump to in-depth information as needed without turning the page.

Organized by body system, the book covers 220 diseases and disorders. Two 8-page full-color inserts illustrate selected disorders. Illustrations and flowcharts demonstrate abnormal structures and pathophysiologic processes. Icons highlight complications, life-threatening disorders, emergency interventions, and effects of treatment on disease processes.


Note: Only ObGyn&Pe member can download this ebook. Learn more here!

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