M.D. David G. Nichols; M.D. Donald H. Shaffner >Now in vibrant full color throughout, Rogers[...]
RN Betty R. Ferrell, Ph.D.>Pediatric palliative care is a field of significant growth as health[...]
R.N. Betty R. Ferrell, Ph.D.>Spiritual, Religious, and Cultural Aspects of Care is the fifth volume[...]
Ph.D. Mary E. Lough, R.N. > An evidence-based guide to hemodynamic monitoring procedures and patient[...]
Barbara Hoffman The only gynecology textbook to combine a comprehensive medical reference and a full[...]
M.D. Shireen Madani Sims >PreTest(r)Prep for the Shelf Exam, Ace the Clerkship PreTest(r) is the[...]
Kathleen Motacki; Kathleen Burke With a strong focus on the key areas included on the[...]
Sarah Snow; Kate Taylor; Jane Carpenter>A concise, pocket-sized, rapid reference handbook on all key areas[...]
Robert J. Kizior Arm yourself with all the latest information on more than 1,000 generic[...]